House Number Numerology Pros And Cons

House Number Numerology Pros And Cons

House Number 1 Pros And Cons


According to numerology beliefs, the number one is associated with traits such as independence and innovation. A number one house is intrinsically linked to people who work from home, prefer to live alone, or, at least, prefer to have their own independence spaces within the home. If you value your personal freedom and enjoy working from home, you might want to transform this aspect of your home’s energy into a private office or a special nook where you can focus on your individual pursuits.

Promotes independence and great for people looking for a fresh start.

Supports creativity, independence, determination, drive, leadership.


Typically, homes with a numerology personality one may not reflect a ‘warm and fuzzy’ atmosphere. They may appear minimalist in nature and lack frivolity or even spontaneity. These are some of the cons to consider as you reflect on your home’s personality and style.

You will be constantly busy. I often see number one houses up for rent as not everyone can cope with their fast pace, or in some cases, exposed location.

Difficult if teamwork is essential to live here. Can feel isolating.

House Number 2 Pros And Cons


The numerology personality two home, according to beliefs, exhibits affectionate energy. It’s a place of harmony and love. In numerology belief systems, the number two is associated with sensitivity and sentimentality. In these homes, it’s not uncommon to find wedding photographs highlighted or photos of friends enjoying vacation time. Think of the number two house as the complete opposite of the number one house. Where one is stark and designed with functionality in mind, two is cute, cozy, and designed to exude warmth.

Encourages intimacy, creativity and patience. Live here if you want peace and quiet.

Quiet energy, cooperative environment, companionship, sentimental.


Numerology experts recommend tempering the overtly sentimental (i.e. photographs of all the cats you’ve ever owned printed on throw pillows) so as not to scare number ones out the door, but if your partner or family is unconcerned about the photographs of babies and baby farm animals on your walls, you do you.

You’ll become too passive if you’re shy or indecisive.

Difficult for anyone who is very independent. Can be an overly sensitive

House Number 3 Pros And Cons


The number three home may be a place where art is made and celebrated. People in the arts tend to gravitate to homes with number three numerology personality traits. This type of home is infused with artistic vibes and may feature many decorative items such as paintings, books, or musical instruments. People who live in a number three house often enjoy social gatherings in their home where everyone can feel free to showcase their own unique energies.

Ideal for gatherings, raising children and open communication. Three is a lucky number.

Busy social hub, creative energy, great for self expression, artistic.


On the other hand, sometimes these homes may lead toward chaotic decorative styles. Be careful that eclectic doesn’t turn into downright bizarre. Clutter could also be an issue for number three homeowners.

Not the cleanest house, or the best for discipline. Gossip can backfire in a number three house.

Can be scattered energy, can be a busy environment with little down time, can be a bit chaotic.

House Number 4 Pros And Cons


The numerology four houses might be all about practicality. These houses tend to be well structured, decoratively disciplined, and steeped in tradition. If you live in this home, you may find that its personality lends itself to goal setting, positive financial planning, and personal achievements. If you crave stability, a number four home is one to consider.

Somewhere you can feel safe and secure; it encourages commitment.

Practical, organized, grounded, great for handyman, good for home office


On the other hand, if you’re tired of conventionality, this type of serious home might feel oppressive to you. If so, play up other number four traits, like its earthiness, and include more plants and nature-inspired elements in the decor.

Not a good fit for someone who can’t live within a budget, this energy can stifle someone who needs change and can cause you to feel stuck in a routine.

Can make you more inflexible and conservative.

House Number 5 Pros And Cons


Number five homes are often all abuzz with activity. It is believed that this home’s personality has a natural vitality and dynamic energy that is appealing to many different types of people with their own personality and style. Number five is reflective of variety in numerology belief systems. These are great homes for large families or families with older children who are coming into their own.

Amazing for travellers, night owls, gypsies and forever-young types.

Great for those who are in sales, great if you want to be able to leave it in a moments notice. Great place to hang unusual artwork.


Number five houses could not, however, offer the quiet and relaxed vibe that some homeowners are looking for. If you find yourself living in a number five house and crave calm, you’ll need to create some private space for getting away from it all.

I see these houses up for rent more than any other house number – they are better for extroverts.

Expect the unexpected. Change will be imminent. Difficult to find peace and quiet here.

House Number 6 Pros And Cons


In numerology belief systems, the number six is most strongly associated with the family. Here, you can create a sanctuary where children and even family pets will feel comfortable and ‘right at home.’ Number six homes are often very lived in and embody the traits of each family member, which may make the decor appear somewhat scattered.

Often beautiful, excellent for families, pets and home businesses. A nest.

Love, family, tradition, comfort, food, hospitality, nurturing, comfortable. Great for homemakers, visual artists.


On the other hand, if you’re a homebody and enjoy being amongst your family, this type of setting may be perfect for you. One of the recommendations for number six homeowners is to ensure that each family member doesn’t only enjoy life in the house, but also contributes to its upkeep.

You might worry about appearances living here. Gardens require more upkeep.

Can foster the need to gossip. A need for perfectionism. May attract unwelcome guests who are needy.

House Number 7 Pros And Cons


The number seven house is a spiritually inclined and reflective place where harmony with the inner and outer world is celebrated, according to numerology beliefs. Although these homes may feel private, they are not unwelcoming with their inspirational ambiance. These homes often exhibit little clutter or materials that could detract from introspection. Think hardwood and bamboo rather than plastic and other synthetic materials.

Excellent for nature-lovers and those who need personal space. “These houses are often set back from the road or have plenty of tree cover.

Great number for a quiet sacred spiritual space. Excellent for writers, musicians, pastors, students.


If you prefer a more boisterous setting, you might consider fashioning this home’s outdoor space with an area to entertain like an outdoor kitchen and dining room.

Seven is the hermit energy, so don’t live here if you hate being single.

Those in a 7 house may become too reclusive. Not well suited to those who need lots of company around.

House Number 8 Pros And Cons


Numerologists believe that number eight house is associated with entrepreneurial pursuits, prosperity, and abundance. This home’s numerology personality might be ideal for people who are launching their own business or forging a new career. A number eight home often exudes rich colors and textures that are evocative of comfort as well as trend-right styles. There’s nothing dowdy or old-fashioned about a number eight house.

This is the money number in China and associated with good returns over the long-term.

Emphasis on quality not quantity. Those who enjoy the material side of life are good here. Typically nice homes that are well appointed. Organized. This energy attracts money and those who are career minded with a drive to earn money.


If you find that your eight home’s decor is too ‘put together,’ add some unexpected twists that underscore its comfortable ambiance. Also, be careful to ensure that abundance doesn’t turn into a hoarding problem. After all, eights, too many throw pillows on the sofa means there’s less room for guests to be seated.

You can’t cut corners in a number eight house. It is shaped like an infinity symbol showing what goes around comes around. You must look after this house and not scrimp on insurance.

Repairs can be overly costly in an 8 house due to the higher end home it likely is. The energy of the 8 can be boastful causing jealousy among neighbours etc. Those living in this energy have to learn to balance business with pleasure.

House Number 9 Pros And Cons


In numerology, the number nine reflects a communal spirit that is attractive to visitors who represent different cultures, races, and belief systems. The number nine house could therefore be a haven for multicultural types who adore global style. It’s not uncommon for number nine homes to feature decorative items sold by humanitarian groups or items that reflect spirituality, art, and craft-making.

Everyone feels welcome making these homes great for international residents and/or mixed families.

Great for attracting various cultures. Great for a healing practice or anything related to humanitarian or charitable efforts. Artistic. Busy environment full of patience and tolerance.


To make your number nine home feel more grounded in your particular neck of the woods, opt for a few decorative items that celebrate your location. Moreover, when celebrating everyone else, be sure to infuse some of yourself into the decor.

Guests get so cosy that they leave things behind. “You’ll need to have regular garage sales.

Not a good energy for anyone who is tight with their money. This energy tends to be that of the giver. Those who live with a half empty cup will not enjoy this energy.

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